R Programming Language

R is a programming language used for data visualization and statistical research. Additionally, it is one of the most widely used languages in data science.


By taking classes like Coding in R and Quantitative Data Analysis Coding Training in R, among others, I have improved my R skills. Functions and vectors, operators and descriptives, dynamic visualization in R, data wrangling, data IO, and joins are some of the things I've learned. See Projects and Dashboards below,

The Effects of Public Capital Expenditure on State Productivity: USA (1980-2018)

This repository contains code for an Applied Econometrics class project titled: The Effects of Public Capital Expenditure on State Productivity: A Panel Data Analysis. Data Cleaning was done with R and Data Analysis with STATA.

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Discrimination in the National Basketball Association?: A Study of Race and Salaries Amongst Players

In this paper, we estimated a regression model to see if being black or not influences the salaries of NBA players. The model focused on players' position, years as a professional player, players being black or not, players being married or not, players that are black and married, and minutes played per season.

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Collision Analysis Dashboard

Worked on a Crash data from the Tempe Open Data Portal, and developed dynamic data dashboard that can be used to explore and reveal insights in Tempe crash data.

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Monkey Pox Outbreak Dashboard 2022

This dashboard shows the latest updates on the Monkey-Pox outbreak. I made use of the CDC dataset as at 29th july, 2022. The data visualization was created with R.

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Creating an Interactive Dashboard with R markdown/flexdashboard. I included Images,Diagramming functions, tables or graphs, Print glimpses of datasets before and after manipulations so the user can see what has changed.

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